Constitution of the CTU



The name of the organization shall be Clerical-Technical Union of Michigan State University, hereinafter referred to as either CT Union or Union.

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The purpose of the Clerical-Technical Union is to represent its members in all conditions of their employment and to provide a democratic process by which this purpose can be accomplished. Additionally, the purpose of the Union is to give assistance and encouragement to other employees in organizing for the purpose of collective bargaining and to engage in such activities as may be necessary to strengthen the labor movement by chartering affiliated organizations and/or other appropriate means.

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Membership and Rights
Section 1. Any person shall be eligible to become a member of the Clerical-Technical Union of Michigan State University upon compliance with the requirements of this Constitution and the rulings of the Executive Board. Persons eligible for membership in the Union shall include all regular clerical and technical employees of Michigan State University whether salaried or hourly paid who are included in the collective bargaining agreement between the Union and the University as well as any employees in any bargaining unit of which the Union is the certified or recognized bargaining agent.

Section 2. To become a member, an eligible person must sign a standard dues deduction card authorizing the withholding of dues from her/his paycheck or such other application form as the Executive Board shall require in circumstances in which dues deduction does not apply.

Membership Card
Section 3. Upon receipt by the Union of a signed dues deduction card, or such other application form as the Executive Board has required, the Union will issue a membership card to the applicant for membership. The card will authorize entry into meetings of the Union and receipt of ballots for elections and other referendums in which only members of the Union are eligible to participate.

Section 4.

a. Rate: The monthly membership dues shall be based on a proportion of the yearly income which approximates .00096 of salary. For hourly paid workers the dues rate shall be two hours per month, prorated according to appointment percentage. Dues will go to the general operating budget.

b. Changes: The formula for determining dues shall only be amended according to Article XIII of the Constitution, provided each schedule of dues shall be in effect for a minimum of 12 months.

c. Payment: Dues shall be paid by payroll deduction or by annual cash payment for members for whom payroll deduction is unavailable.

Contingency Fund
Section 5. The Union shall maintain a contingency fund. The contingency fund, and such interest derived therefrom, shall be used only upon a vote of the membership.

Operating Savings Account
Section 6.  The operating savings account shall be adjusted annually so that net operating assets shall not exceed the value of dues for the previous year, as reported on the annual audit.  Excess assets shall be transferred to the contingency fund.

Rights of Members
Section 7. Members shall at all times enjoy the rights conferred by this Constitution and be subject to the requirements of applicable laws. Only members who have satisfied the dues requirements of this Article are eligible to hold office and to vote in elections or other referendums conducted by the Union.

Section 8. Membership is contingent upon payment of dues. A member shall be suspended for nonpayment of dues and may be reinstated to membership in the CT Union upon payment of all arrearages.

Inactive Membership Status
Section 9. Members who are not employed in a bargaining unit represented by the Union shall be deemed to be on inactive status and shall not be entitled to hold office or vote in elections or other referendums conducted by the Union. The foregoing notwithstanding, members who are on released time or who are on leaves of absence from positions in the bargaining unit to hold office in the Union or to participate in business or other activities of the Union or who are on leaves of absence from active employment shall maintain full membership rights, provided they make direct and continuous payment of their regular dues.

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Titles and Terms of Office
Section l. The Officers of this Union shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and seven Directors, and these eleven shall constitute the CT Union Executive Board. All officers shall be elected for a term of two years. The President, Treasurer and three Directors shall be elected at the October meeting in odd- numbered years. The Vice President, Secretary, and four Directors shall be elected in the even-numbered years.

Nominations & Elections
Section 2. Nominations shall begin and end during the month of September. Elections shall be held during the month of October. In the event formal negotiations between Michigan State University and the CT Union are still unresolved, nominations and elections may, at the discretion of the Executive Board, be delayed for as long as, but not to exceed, a period of 30 days after formal negotiations are completed. A Nominating Committee may be appointed or elected to make nominations. If there are separate meetings for elections and nominations, at least 10 days notice shall be given to the membership prior to each meeting. In the event that a separate nominations meeting is held, the list of those persons nominated shall be sent out with the notice of the election meeting. When the meetings coincide, notification of the meeting will include the recommendations of the Nominating Committee. Nominations shall be permitted from the floor whether or not such a Nominating Committee is used.

Order & Process of Nominations
Section 3. The order of nominations shall be the order as indicated in Section 1. No member may be nominated for more than one position, and a nominee is required to indicate at the conclusion of nominations for the specific position whether she/he accepts or declines the nomination. A signed and dated letter accepting a specific nomination shall be accepted if presented to the Secretary prior to nominations. An Executive Board member whose term has not expired may accept a nomination and, if not elected, shall retain her/ his current position. If elected, her/his previous position shall be filled by appointment on an interim basis by the Executive Board until the next regular or special meeting.

Section 4. To be eligible for office, a member must be in good standing and have completed the probationary period. Members who have been charged and convicted pursuant to Article IX, Section 3, when the penalty imposed includes ineligibility for union office, shall not be eligible to run for or hold office. The President, Vice President, and Treasurer must be bondable. If the bond is rejected, the position will be declared vacant until a successor is elected.

Section 5. Officers shall be elected by secret ballot vote conducted so as to afford maximum secrecy and shall be conducted by the Elections Committee selected by the President and confirmed by the Executive Board.

Elections Committee and Duties
Section 6. The Elections Committee shall conduct and supervise all elections; it shall pass on the rights of members presenting themselves to vote if such right is challenged, and shall keep records of the members voting. The Committee shall canvass the vote in the presence of all candidates or their designee desiring to be present at such canvass, and shall keep proper tallies of the count. The votes cast for candidates shall be counted immediately after the close of the polls and shall be reported to the membership if still in session or to the Executive Board who shall be required to meet within 48 hours to certify the vote. No member of the Elections Committee may be a candidate for office.

General Election Provisions
Section 7.

a. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted.
b. No nominating speech may exceed two minutes.
c. Prior to the election, any announced candidate shall have the right to mail campaign literature, one time only, through the Union Office but at private expense.
d. All election records, including ballots, shall be retained by the CT Union for at least one year after the election.
e. Any protest concerning the election must be filed in writing with the Chairperson of the Elections Committee within 10 days following the election. Such protest shall be decided by the Elections Committee within 30 days after filing of the protest.

Election by Majority
Section 8.

a. Upon completion of the voting, the ballots shall be tabulated and the candidate for each office receiving the highest number of the votes cast for that office shall be declared elected.
b. Write-in candidates shall not be allowed. Voting for fewer than the number of vacancies in the position shall be allowed. To be valid, a ballot must show no more votes for each office than there are vacancies.

Single Nominee for all positions
Section 9. When there is only one nominee for every position, no election will be necessary and the candidates will be affirmed by acclamation of a majority of the members at the first Membership Meeting following the scheduled election if there is a quorum. This procedure will be used only when the number of open positions equals the number of candidates running for those positions.  In the event that there is no quorum at the first Membership Meeting following the election, the outgoing Executive Board will convene at the Membership Meeting and, in the presence of the members, accept the candidates to constitute the new Executive Board and Audit Committee.

Installation of Officers
Section 10. Those elected shall be installed in office immediately upon the Election Committee’s report of the election and upon signing and affirming the following:

I do hereby sincerely pledge and promise that I will perform faithfully and with honor the duties of my office as prescribed by the Constitution of the Clerical-Technical Union of Michigan State University and that I will deliver to my successor in office all books and papers and other property of this Union which are in my possession at the close of my official term.

Section 11. Vacancies in office shall be filled by appointment on an interim basis by the Executive Board until the next regular or special meeting at which there is a quorum.

Full-time Released Positions
Section 12. A person elected or appointed to a full-time released position (i.e., CTU President) shall have up to 30 days from election or appointment to fully assume the duties of her/his office.

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Executive Board
Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of four officers and seven directors who shall serve as the governing body of the Union except when meetings of the Union are in session. Board members are expected to attend all meetings and work sessions of the Board and the membership. All matters affecting the policies, aims and means of accomplishing the purposes of the CT Union not specifically provided for in the Constitution or by action of the membership at the regular or special meeting shall be decided by the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall establish and maintain a procedure that will ensure proper representation for the membership through the appointment or selection of Union Representatives. The Board, from among its members, shall select the following standing committees: Negotiating Committee; Finance Committee; Grievance, Appeal and Trial Committee and such other special committees as may be necessary to carry out the work of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall be authorized to hire counsel, agents and employees as are necessary to assist in the mission of the CT Union. A report on all actions taken by the Executive Board shall be made to the membership at each regular membership meeting.

Section 2. The duties of the President are to preside at all membership meetings of the CT Union, to preserve order during deliberations, to be Chairperson of the Executive Board, to be Chairperson of the Negotiating Committee, to be ex officio member of all committees except where prohibited by the Constitution, to countersign all checks drawn against funds of the CT Union, to execute the policies of the CT Union, to transact such business as may of right pertain to the office of President, to be the official spokesperson for the CT Union in all its external relations and may authorize counsel or other agents of the CT Union to speak for the Union in her/his place or stead. The President shall submit to each regular meeting of the membership and of the Executive Board a report of her/his official acts and doings between meetings. Must apply for bonding within 30 days of election.

Vice President
Section 3. The duties of the Vice President are to assist the President in the work of her/his office. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside at all meetings. The Vice President, with written authority of the President or by Executive Board action upon the inability of the President to fulfill her/his office, may be authorized to perform all the duties otherwise performed by the President. In case of resignation or death of the President, the Vice President shall perform all the duties otherwise performed by the President until the vacancy is filled as provided for in this Constitution. The Vice President shall be the Chairperson of the Grievance, Appeal and Trial Committee and will serve as Executive Board liaison with Union Representatives. In specific instances and with the authority of the Executive Board, the Vice President is authorized to countersign checks drawn against the funds of the CT Union. Must apply for bonding within 30 days of election.

Section 4. The Secretary shall act under the direction of the President and the Executive Board and shall make or cause to be made a correct record of proceedings of all membership meetings and of all Executive Board meetings; shall be responsible for the preparation, publication and distribution of Executive Board minutes at the meeting subsequent to their taking; the Secretary shall serve in that same capacity on the Negotiating Team; and shall be responsible for maintaining a current membership list. The Secretary shall have the responsibility of maintaining safe all contracts, books, records and other property of the CT Union not delegated by this Constitution.

Section 5. The Treasurer shall act under the direction of the President and the Executive Board and shall receive and receipt all monies of the Union. The Treasurer shall deposit all money so received in the name of the Union in a bank or institutions authorized by the Executive Board and money so deposited shall be withdrawn only by check. The Treasurer shall sign only such checks as are required by the Constitution, or are authorized by the membership or the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall make monthly reports to the Executive Board and shall submit all books and papers to the Certified Public Accountant upon direction of the Executive Board. The Treasurer, at the expense of the Union, shall secure surety bonds for the President, Vice President, Treasurer and others in the amounts determined by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall notify the Executive Board when anyone becomes delinquent for a period of 30 days in payment of dues or service fees to the Union and shall seek payment from the delinquent employee, and, if unsuccessful, notify the employee of the delinquency and request compliance with the Union Security clause of the labor agreement. The Treasurer shall cause to be prepared and submitted any financial reports required by law. The Treasurer shall be the Chairperson of the Finance Committee. Must apply for bonding within 30 days of election.

Expense Per Diem
Section 6. Expense Per Diem of Executive Board members shall be paid monthly and Per Diem determined by multiplying the appropriate index factor by 10 times the minimum hourly salary of the lowest CT Union grade level (e.g., Director: 10 x 1.0 x $6.07= $60.70/mo.) Such per diem shall be adjusted with each general increase.

President – 3.5
Vice President – 1.5
Secretary – 1.5
Treasurer – 1.5
Directors – 1.0

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Committees of the Whole
Section 1. Each standing committee of the CTU shall act only as a committee of the whole; no individual member may act on behalf of the committee without the committee’s authorization, except as specified elsewhere in the Constitution.

Audit Committee
Section 2. The Audit Committee

a. The Audit Committee shall consist of three members. They shall be elected for staggered three-year terms with said election held at the same time and under the same rules as apply to the Executive Board. Members of the Audit Committee may not be members of the Executive Board.
b. The Audit Committee shall make or cause to be made at least a yearly audit of the Union’s finances and shall report to the membership the result of such audit.
c. The Audit Committee shall monitor normal operating expenses and shall serve as an independent communications channel between the members of the Union and the custodians of the Contingency Fund for verification of withdrawals from that fund.

Finance Committee
Section 3. The Finance Committee shall consist of five members, shall meet at the call of its Chairperson and shall have as a continuing responsibility the continued review of the financial operation of the Union. The Committee shall make a report of its findings at each regular Union meeting and make recommendations to the Executive Board, including a budget for each succeeding year’s operation.

Grievance Appeal and Trial Committee
Section 4. The Grievance, Appeal and Trial Committee (GAT) shall consist of five members, shall meet at the call of its Chairperson, and shall perform two functions for the Union. Members of this Committee having prior involvement with or prejudice on any matter brought before it shall be excused, and the Chairperson shall appoint an alternate.

a. The GAT shall decide on the necessity of arbitration for all grievances for individual CTs. The decision of the Committee on membership grievances to be referred to arbitration shall be carried out and complied with and shall not be subject to appeal or review.
b. The GAT shall rule on all appeals from members and shall act as the trials board of the Union. All decisions subject to appeal shall be appealed within 10 days of the decision to the Executive Board, detailing in writing why the decision should not be upheld. Any member feeling aggrieved by the decision shall have the right to appeal to the next regular meeting of the Union, provided that notice of such appeal is filed within 30 days after the rendering of the decision.

Negotiating Committee
Section 5. The Negotiating Committee shall be comprised of the Executive Board; shall meet at the call of the Chairperson; and, after consultation with members, shall develop and submit contract proposals to the employer. The Committee shall have the responsibility and authority to negotiate the collective bargaining contract with the employer but shall not have the power to bind the Union to a collective bargaining agreement without presenting the terms to the membership for approval.

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General Membership Meetings
Section 1. General membership meetings of the CT Union shall be held during the months of January, April, July, and October of each year, at a time and place to be determined by the Executive Board. Notice of membership meetings shall be sent to members at least 10 days prior to the meeting.

Special Meetings
Section 2. Special meetings of the CT Union may be called by the Executive Board and must be called upon the written request of 10% of the membership on a valid petition. Notice of these special meetings shall be sent to members prior to the meeting and specifically state the purpose, time, and place.

Executive Board
Section 3. The Executive Board shall hold a regularly scheduled meeting at least once a month. Special meetings of the Executive Board shall be held at the request of the President or majority of the Executive Board.

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General Meetings
Section 1. At meetings of the CT Union, a quorum shall consist of 50 members. In the absence of a quorum, the Executive Board shall be authorized to transact necessary business. If the lack of a quorum prevents an election from taking place, the incumbent, whether by appointment or election, may choose to continue in office until the next regular or special meeting. If the incumbent declines to do so, the resulting vacancy shall be filled as provided for in Article IV, Section 11.

Executive Board Meetings
Section 2. At meetings of the Executive Board, a quorum shall consist of a simple majority (6) of the total membership (11) of that body.

Strike Vote
Section 3. At a meeting of the CT Union where a question of strike is proposed, a quorum shall consist of 500 members. A question of strike must be voted upon as a separate entity and may not be attached to any other question.

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Persons Subject to Trial
Section 1. Members of the Union, including Executive Board members, shall be tried for any and no other offenses provided in Article 9, Section 2.

Section 2.

a. Willfully violating the Constitution of the Union.
b. Disobeying or willfully failing to comply with any lawful decision or order of the Union.
c. Misappropriation, embezzlement or improper or illegal use of Union funds.
d. Acting in collusion with management to the detriment of the welfare of the Union or its membership.
e. Instigating or knowingly participating in an unauthorized strike or slowdown.
f. Any activity which assists or is intended to assist a competing organization within the jurisdiction of this Union.
g. Willful violation of the legally negotiated and approved collective bargaining agreement.
h. Using the name of the Union in any unauthorized manner or for any unauthorized purpose.
i. The solicitation or acceptance of a bribe or the acceptance of any gift of more than nominal value from any employer, member, group of members or employee of the Union, or from any person or firm which has or is seeking to establish a business relationship with this Union.
j. Conviction of a crime, the nature of which is such as to bring the Union as an organization into disrepute.
k. Knowingly proffering false charges against any other member of the Union.
l. Taking court action against the Union without first exhausting all remedies provided in this Constitution for appeal.

Charges and Procedures
Section 3.

a. Charges shall be in writing, signed and sworn to by the accuser, and filed with the Secretary. If the Secretary is a directly interested party, charges shall be filed with the presiding officer of the trial board.
b. Charges must be submitted within 60 days of the time the accuser becomes aware of the alleged offense.
c. Charges shall contain an allegation of the facts constituting the offense with which the accused is charged and where a violation of a constitutional provision is alleged, the specific section shall be cited, along with the specific act or failure to act which constitutes the alleged violation.
d. Charges shall be specific citing in detail the nature, the date, and the circumstances of the alleged offense.
e. Charges shall immediately be served upon the accused by the receiver of such charges. The receiver, at the same time, shall notify the accused of the time and place of trial or hearing, which shall be between five (5) and thirty (30) days after receipt of such charges.
f. The charging party shall first present evidence of the charging violation, and upon completion of such evidence, the accused shall have the right to produce witnesses and present documentary evidence and to be heard on her/his own behalf. The accused shall have the opportunity to cross-examine witnesses.
g. If the accused shall fail to appear at the time and place designated for the trial without presenting a good and sufficient reason for her/his absence, the trial board shall proceed to take evidence in the same manner as if the accused were present.
h. Both the accused and the accuser shall have the right to be represented by any other member of the Union. Only members of the Union may be present at trial board proceedings, subject to reasonable limitations as voted in open proceedings by the trial board.
i. All witnesses shall testify under oath.
j. Notice of the decision and penalty, if any, shall be given the person charged within 5 days after the close of the trial.
k. A faithful record of the proceedings shall be made.
l. The trial board shall have the authority to impose any penalty allowable by law.
m. Such penalty may be appealed to the next regular meeting of the Union, where 2/3 vote of those members present and voting shall be necessary to veto the trial board’s action.
n. In any case, there shall be no resort to a court of law until all relief within the Union under the Constitution has been exhausted.

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The affiliation of the Union with any national or international labor organization may be accomplished only by complying with the following procedures:

1. If two-thirds of the members of the Executive Board, at two regularly scheduled successive meetings, vote to affiliate and/or at least 30% of the members in good standing have indicated in writing their desire to affiliate, the question of affiliation shall be submitted to the members in good standing in a mail referendum vote.

2. The mail referendum vote shall take place no sooner than two (2) weeks and no later than six (6) weeks after the Executive Board votes to affiliate or the 30% showing of membership interest in affiliation has been submitted to the Executive Board (whichever has occurred first).

3. The mail referendum vote shall be conducted with reasonable precautions for ballot integrity and secrecy.

4. Any referendum to affiliate shall include a proposed disposition of the Union’s assets, including the contingency fund.

5. The results of any referendum to affiliate shall be certified by the Union’s secretary no later than fourteen (14) days following the deadline established for the mailing of ballots, and shall be effective upon the issuance of such certification.

6. A referendum to affiliate shall pass if a majority of the votes cast are in favor of affiliation.

7. Disaffiliation may only be accomplished in accordance with the foregoing procedures.

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Section 1. To be considered valid, a petition must meet the conditions of this Article.

Section 2. Any page on which signatures are collected must have the substance of the petition, including any action called for, typed at the top of it so that a person signing it may be completely certain of what s/he is signing.

Section 3. Only original signatures will be considered valid; photocopies or facsimiles of signatures will not be accepted.

Section 4. Both written and printed names of all those signing must be given and must be legible. An illegible individual signature and name will be considered invalid.

Date of Signature
Section 5. The date on which each person signed the petition must be listed next to the person’s name.

Vote of Membership
Section 6. When a petition calls for action that includes a vote by the CTU membership, the Executive Board will cause that vote to occur in a manner that is both timely and permits sufficient opportunity for membership information and discussion. No action called for can be in contradiction to the CTU Contract, Constitution, or valid labor law.

Review of Proposed Petition
Section 7. In order to prevent possible disqualification of a petition, it is recommended that proposed petition language and format be submitted to the Executive Board for review of compliance with this Article prior to circulation for signatures.

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The dissolution of the Union may be accomplished only by complying with the following procedures:

A. Automatic Dissolution

1. The union shall be automatically dissolved effective eighteen (18) months after the date on which MERC conclusively certifies that the Union no longer is the exclusive bargaining agent for the bargaining unit at Michigan State University following a decertification or representative election.

2. Automatic dissolution under this Article shall not occur should, within eighteen (18) months following MERC’s conclusive certification that the Union no longer is the exclusive bargaining agent for the bargaining unit at Michigan State University, the Union regains status as exclusive bargaining agent for the bargaining unit via a MERC election or otherwise.

3. The eighteen (18) month period shall be suspended during any appeals to the appellate courts.

B. Dissolution by Referendum

1. If a majority of the Executive Board votes or at least 50% of the members in good standing indicate in writing their desire to dissolve the Union, the question of dissolution shall be submitted to the membership for a mail referendum vote.

2. The mail referendum vote shall take place no sooner than two (2) weeks and no later than six (6) weeks after the Executive Board votes to dissolve or the 50% showing of interest in dissolution is submitted to the Executive Board (whichever has occurred first).

3. The mail referendum shall be conducted with reasonable precautions to maintain ballot integrity and secrecy.

4. The results of any referendum to dissolve shall be certified by the Union’s secretary no later than fourteen (14) days after the deadline established for the mailing of ballots.

5. A referendum to dissolve shall pass if a majority of the votes cast are in favor of dissolution.

6. A referendum in favor of dissolution of the Union shall not be effective until eighteen (18) months after the certification of the referendum results by the Union’s secretary.

7. At any time during this eighteen (18) month period, the Executive Board may vote to submit to the membership (i.e., members in good standing as of the date of the initial dissolution vote) a mail referendum to reconsider the issue of dissolution, subject to the same procedures outlined in paragraphs 2-4 of Section B of this Article. A vote to reconsider shall be effective upon the certification of the results of the mail referendum on reconsideration by the Union’s secretary.

C. General Conditions of Dissolution
During the eighteen (18) month period prior to the effective date of dissolution, whether automatic or by referendum:

1. The Executive Board shall continue to exercise its general authority and powers under Article V, Section 1, of this Constitution.

2. All funds and assets of the Union, except the contingency fund, shall remain under the control of the Executive Board. Non-contingency fund assets and funds may be used at the discretion of the Executive Board for such purposes as the Board shall decide are in the best interest of the membership. The contingency fund shall also remain under the control of the Executive Board, but shall be held in trust for subsequent disposition under subsections 3 through 4 of this section.

3. At the end of the eighteen (18) month period, the Executive Board shall convene a meeting of the membership for the purpose of determining the disposition of all remaining assets and funds of the Union, including the contingency fund. Eligibility to vote on the disposition of funds and assets shall be limited to members who were members in good standing as of the date on which the dissolution ratification vote was certified or the date on which MERC conclusively certified that the Union no longer is the exclusive bargaining agent for the bargaining unit.

4. If, at the end of twenty-four (24) months following the certification of the referendum on dissolution or the conclusive certification by MERC that the union no longer is the exclusive bargaining agent for the bargaining unit, any assets of the Union, including the contingency fund, have not been disposed of, they shall be distributed prorata to the members in good standing as of the date on which the dissolution referendum vote was certified or the date on which MERC certified that the Union no longer is the exclusive bargaining agenda for the bargaining unit.

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This Constitution may be amended, revised or otherwise changed only by a vote of 2/3 of the membership present voting on such proposed change. Proposed amendments to this Constitution shall be submitted in writing on a valid petition and signed by no fewer than 51 members and submitted to the CT Union Executive Board at least 20 days prior to a regular or special meeting of the Union at which a vote is to be taken; or the Executive Board on its own motion may make recommendations for Constitutional changes. Proposed amendments shall be included in the written notice of the meeting. Amendments to the proposed amendments may be accepted from the floor.

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Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, shall be the authority governing proceedings in meetings of the Union, so far as such rules are not in conflict with the provisions thereof and special rules of order of the Union hereafter adopted. A Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President for every regular or special meeting of the Union.

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Adopted February 25, 1975

  • Amended April 10, 1975
  • Amended July 1, 1975
  • Amended January 28, 1976
  • Amended January 25, 1977
  • Amended October 4, 1977
  • Amended January 24, 1980
  • Amended July 28, 1982
  • Amended July 21, 1983
  • Amended October 27, 1983
  • Amended October 3, 1984
  • Amended October 19, 1985
  • Amended July 30, 1986
  • Amended January 28, 1987
  • Amended July 14, 1988
  • Amended October 26, 1989
  • Amended June 27, 1996
  • Amended April 25, 1997
  • Amended November 29, 2000
  • Amended June 30, 2010
  • Amended October 26, 2016