Author Archives: Tiffany Westendorf

CTU 50th Anniversary Gala

Thank you to everyone who joined us at CTU’s 50th Anniversary Gala on Saturday, October 12, 2024, at Eagle Eye Banquet Center, East Lansing. It was a wonderful event with dinner, dancing, historical displays, a photobooth, with special gifts for members and their guests.

If you were unable to attend any of the anniversary events or had scheduling conflicts, you still get a CTU gift for being a member. Contact the CTU office to schedule a time to pick up your gift.

And for CT members on other campuses, if you aren’t able to get to Lansing or East Lansing for the events, we will be bringing the goodies to you later this fall.

We haven’t forgotten you! 😊

For questions, please contact the CTU Office (517-355-1903) or email.

To view photos from the event, please click HERE.

Hope the summer was good for you and you got some time away from work for rest and recreational activities!