Advertising Guidelines

Send advertising submissions to Theresa Stevens.

  1. The CT News accepts ads from CTU members on items for sale and/or services provided by CTU members and/or their household family members. Ads from CTU retirees and staff members are also accepted.
  2. If an ad that does not comply with #1 is determined to be of general interest to the membership, the CTU Executive Board may consider its publication.
  3. Ads that comply with #1 are published at no charge.
  4. Ads must include the name of the item or service (with a brief description if necessary) along with the price and contact information. Please note that we are unable to include MSU phone numbers and email addresses in ads that are intended to result in personal gain.
  5. The CTU Executive Board has determined that the ads should not be used to promote a third-party business. For example, if you are selling a home, we would not include the name of the realty company. However, a phone number and the name of the real estate agent would be acceptable. In cases where the advertiser him- or herself is actually working as an agent of another business or owns a separate business, then we would allow the name of that business.
  6. An ad may be rejected (or edits suggested) if it is determined to be inappropriate for our readership or contrary to our mission.
  7. Ads may need to be shortened due to space considerations.
  8. Ads are accepted for publication in one monthly issue only. Although they may be resubmitted and may be re-run on request, space considerations may cause an ad to be dropped from the issue directly following the one in which it was published.
  9. On-line ads do not have a submission deadline.  As with all submissions, the deadline for ads to be published in the newsletter is the 15th of the month preceding publication (i.e., January 15 for the February newsletter). Materials in compliance with the CTU Editorial Policy and Guidelines that are submitted by the deadline will appear in the following month’s newsletter. Submissions received after the deadline will be included as time and space permit.