In Memorandum

It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing of one of our longtime union activist, LaRene Smith. Here is the link to her obituary:

LaRene Smith Obituary

CTU 50th Anniversary Gala

Thank you to everyone who joined us at CTU’s 50th Anniversary Gala on Saturday, October 12, 2024, at Eagle Eye Banquet Center, East Lansing. It was a wonderful event with dinner, dancing, historical displays, a photobooth, with special gifts for members and their guests.

If you were unable to attend any of the anniversary events or had scheduling conflicts, you still get a CTU gift for being a member. Contact the CTU office to schedule a time to pick up your gift.

And for CT members on other campuses, if you aren’t able to get to Lansing or East Lansing for the events, we will be bringing the goodies to you later this fall.

We haven’t forgotten you! 😊

For questions, please contact the CTU Office (517-355-1903) or email.

To view photos from the event, please click HERE.

Hope the summer was good for you and you got some time away from work for rest and recreational activities!

Welcome back

After many months, we have worked out the problems that closed down the CTU website after a malware attack last year. We hired someone to correct and monitor the situation, and we are moving forward to clean up the site. Thank you for your continuing patience.

We have a TA!

Your negotiating team strongly encourages a YES! vote on our Tentative Agreement for a new four-year contract (April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2027). Materials are being emailed to members. We have a very quick turnaround on this one. We have scheduled forums over the next few days for you to have your questions answered, and you can also contact President Deb Bittner (355-1903, Communications Specialist Cheryllee Finney (355-1903,, Contract Administrator Sean Temple (355-1903,, or another member of our bargaining team.

Ratification vote:

Electronic polling starts Thursday, April 20, 7:30 a.m., and closes Friday, April 21, at 2 p.m.
Watch for an email link.

The forum schedule is as follows:

Monday, April 17, 11:30-1:30, in person, International Center, Spartan Rooms B & C. Food vouchers will be aailable.

Monday, April 17, 5:30-6:30, virtual (link will be sent on Monday)

Tuesday, April 18, 11:30-1:00, virtual (link will be sent on Tuesday)

The Repeal of Right To Work in Michigan

Ignoring the calls, letters and emails of union members, anti-worker Michigan politicians passed right-to-work laws during a lame-duck session in 2012 as thousands of us protested outside the capitol building. We vowed at that time to win back government and make it work for Michigan citizens. We won.

Michigan’s right-to-work laws have been repealed. But what does that mean for CTs? Well, because we are public sector workers, the repeal of right-to-work laws will have little impact on us. That is because in the intervening period since 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that all workers in the public sector are subject to right to work. We applaud the repeal and will continue the struggle for civil rights, including our rights on the job.

Michelle Kaminski, MSU Associate Professor and Associate Director of Undergraduate Programs in the School of Human Resources and Labor Relations, has posted a YouTube video on right to work. In her 13-minute video, she unpacks a lot of the myths about how unions operate and about the impact of right to work. It’s worth watching.

Michelle Kaminski