2024 CTU Election Updates

We will not hold an election in October. Our constitution provides that we hold an election only if one of the open positions are contested. We now have only four candidates vying for the four available 2-year director positions, and we have only one candidate running for each of the other open positions.

The following are the members who have stepped forward to represent the membership:

Secretary (Two-Year term; expiring 2026): Michelle Jenkins


  • 4 Two-Year terms; expiring 2026 :  Barbara Breedlove, Rosario Garcia, Janet Hershberger, Stephen Stofflet
  • Three-Year term; expiring 2027:  Carolyn Hughey

Member involvement is key to our success, and we thank every member who has stepped forward to be part of the CTU Leadership Team. Also, thank you to the Election Committee (Deb Bittner, Judy Redding, and Crissy Hodges-Chakrani) who was ready to run an election if it was needed!

2024 CTU Elections

Dear CT,

On behalf of the 2024 CTU Elections Committee (Crissy Hodges-Chakrani, Judy Redding, Tiffany Westendorf and myself), please note that Tuesday, September 3, begins the 2024 Self-Nominations period for the CTU Officer Elections to be held on October 22, 2024, if needed. The Self-Nominations period conclude at 5pm on Tuesday, September 10. There will also be an in-person nominations meeting held at CTU on Sept 10, 5:30pm-6:30pm.

The following positions are up for election:

Vice President (two-year term), Secretary (two-year term), 4 Directors (two-year terms), and 1 Audit Committee member (three-year term). See details regarding each position below.

To nominate yourself for a position, please send your intent via email to our organizational coordinator, Tiffany Westendorf (Tiffany@ctumsu.org). Make sure you state what position you are seeking.

In solidarity,


Deb Bittner, President


All Board Members

  • Expect to serve the Union during some days, evenings, and weekends
  • Make decisions, create policies
  • Use input/data from membership, experts, and staff when time permits
  • Serve on committees, both CTU and MSU-appointed
  • Represent the CTU at all times
  • Attend some labor functions as CTU representative
  • Attend Board meetings, UR meetings, regular and special membership meetings
  • When possible, work in conjunction with UR(s) in the district on membership issues
  • Keep URs informed and in the loop
  • Be able to work as part of a group of people
  • Honor issues of confidentiality
  • Control of rumors/misperceptions
  • Support unionism
  • Uphold the Mission and Constitution of the Union, as well as the duties of one’s office
  • Carry out the oath of one’s office


  • Oversight responsibility for maintenance of current membership list
  • Stay informed of new members, including information they receive from the Union
  • Conduct New Member Orientation sessions
  • Take minutes at Board and membership meetings
  • Perform all functions of Executive Board member

Vice President

  • Serve as liaison to the Union Representative and URCC
  • Substitute for the President, as necessary
  • Chair Grievance, Appeals and Trial Committee
  • 25% released time
  • Serve as authorized signatory of the Union
  • Perform all functions of Executive Board member

Audit Committee

  • The Audit Committee shall make or cause to be made at least a yearly audit of the Union’s finances and shall report to the membership the result of such audit.
  • The Audit Committee shall monitor normal operating expenses and shall serve as an independent communications channel between the members of the Union and the custodians of the Contingency Fund for verification of withdrawals from that fund.

In Memorandum

It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing of one of our longtime union activist, LaRene Smith. Here is the link to her obituary:

LaRene Smith Obituary

CTU 50th Anniversary Gala

Thank you to everyone who joined us at CTU’s 50th Anniversary Gala on Saturday, October 12, 2024, at Eagle Eye Banquet Center, East Lansing. It was a wonderful event with dinner, dancing, historical displays, a photobooth, with special gifts for members and their guests.

If you were unable to attend any of the anniversary events or had scheduling conflicts, you still get a CTU gift for being a member. Contact the CTU office to schedule a time to pick up your gift.

And for CT members on other campuses, if you aren’t able to get to Lansing or East Lansing for the events, we will be bringing the goodies to you later this fall.

We haven’t forgotten you! 😊

For questions, please contact the CTU Office (517-355-1903) or email.

To view photos from the event, please click HERE.

Hope the summer was good for you and you got some time away from work for rest and recreational activities!

Welcome back

After many months, we have worked out the problems that closed down the CTU website after a malware attack last year. We hired someone to correct and monitor the situation, and we are moving forward to clean up the site. Thank you for your continuing patience.